Tarafrost Photography

Alex Ramirez: Marines Boot Camp Graduation

Nov 5, 2008

Echo Company

We're proud of you!

The Drill Instructors Creed

The Drill Instructors Creed


Guarding the gear...

Guarding the gear...


Stars & Stripes

Stars & Stripes


Can you see him?!?!?

Can you see him?!?!?


Proud Papa!

Proud Papa!


Lined up!

Lined up!


Marines getting horny...

Marines getting horny...


That's Captain Mutt to you!

That's General Bulldog to you!


Flaggin' it.

Flaggin' it


Whadda ya mean, don't chew on it?

Whadda ya mean, don't chew on it?


And the band played on...

And the band played on...


Sabre stance...

Sabre stance...


One scary dude...

One scary dude...


Elegance personified.

Elegance personified


Alex & Amy

Alex & Amy


Alex - Our proud Marine!

Alex - Our proud Marine!


Alex and fellow Marines

Alex and fellow Marines


Yes Sir, Mom Sir!

Yes Sir, Mom Sir!


Just wait till I get you alone, Soldier!

Just wait till I get you alone, Soldier!


Amy & Dana

Amy & Dana


Marine Property!

Marine Property!


Alex & proud parents

Alex & proud parents


Amy & Alex

Amy & Alex


Raising a Marine is thirsty work!!!

Raising a Marine is thirsty work!!!


Amy, proud of her Marine...

Amy, proud of her Marine...


Alex Ramirez, Private 1st Class

Alex Ramirez, Private 1st Class





Proud 'Echo Company' Granny

Proud 'Echo Company' Granny



...and Andrzej's favourite photo from the Marines Boot Camp Graduation:


The Few, The Proud. Semper Fidelis.

The Few, The Proud.

Semper Fidelis.


All images/slideshows/content Copyright © 2004-2011, Andrzej Taramina
All Rights Reserved.